
Saturday, May 28, 2011

Discoveries... !

The following is from an e-mail I received from one of my students. I changed the names within the text, but kept everything else the same. My student gave me permission to post this. I really appreciate his excitement.

Hello Professor,

I am writing you to tell you about my experience that I thought you might find interesting and its something I learned from you. Internal Rhythm. Something that resides in everyone in the rhythm and the timing in all of our lives, especially at the event I worked on last Friday.

First, I worked an event for John Paul II. It's a school for special needs and I worked with a lot of children with autism and down syndrome. The event was their annual prom for kids that ranged from 14-21. I had such a moving experience watching them and dancing with. You best know I was out there busting a move with them. But just the energy I was given from dancing with them was amazing. I wanted to tell you about these two twins and their incredible internal rhythm and beat. Their names are Don and John and probably some of the nicest men I have ever met. Just as a habit, they would swing from side to side and when excited, their swing was harder and a little more rapid. But just watching them, their swings was in perfect timing to the music and they moved at the exact same time, exact same way, without a split second in between. The bond of music that was shared between them and they always clapped along with the music as well. It kind of reminded me of a heavy Stevie Wonder head swing, but with a little bit of waist. It was just so incredible to watch. It was also fun to watch because when I would be in the general vicinity, John would grab my hands and we would just have this step of back and forth and it was so cool the intricate things of music they would pick up on that I never noticed in some songs.

I was also dancing with some of the other kids and their movement and sensitivity to rhythm was incredible. A lot of them had one specific movement they did, but that movement had such energy and such passion put into it, I was floored. I expected shy kids that I would have to bring out onto the dance floor and break a barrier and act a fool to make them even move a foot. So much easier than most people I get to dance.

In seconds, they picked up the electric slide (which I still screw up a lot), cupid shuffle and were making me keep up with them. A couple had an issue with the macarena, but one girl picked it up after the first time running through and was dancing like she had been for ages. I was just so inspired and I thought you might enjoy this. I am sorry if this has been a novel of weirdness, but I wanted to relate stuff I have learned.

And I also have one more thing. I want to incorporate dance somehow in my life with my major and lifestyle of Justice and Peace and with juveniles. I wanna see from you if there is a possibility of a future with dance from your perspective and how I can go about it. I am so lost! 

I hope this gets to you at a well time and everything is good in life :)

Thank you!

Rant Closed.

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