
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Think for yourself... but it's a good idea...

A student of mine sent me the following link. Before I include it, let me provide some back story.

This past spring was filled with a lot of emotion and commotion. During one of the classes I taught, we investigated different styles of choreographers. The universe directed me to include Martha Graham when I was creating the syllabus in January. I love her early works and her incorporation into the social justice model that was modern dance in its very early days... and continues as evidenced on the book "How to do things with Dance: Performing Change in Postwar America" by Rebekah Kowal.

We happened upon this chapter in the syllabus shortly after the tragedies in Japan. I guided the students in a movement meditation mandala, introducing the histories of mandala with which Kun-Yang Lin/Dancers had been investigating. The student who sent me the following link said that it reminded her of our mandala class discussions - and the experiences other students shared during our reflection time after the movement.

As an educator, my gut reaction is to research everything included in the video. As a person, my gut reaction is to agree... the video asks and promotes nothing but time and love. Skeptics may question. Theorists may claim, "Aliens!" I've read and heard from yoga instructors that 3-10 minutes a day of meditation can make a different in the individual, and therefore, in the world. That's not a lot of time and a simple enough request.

So, that being said...

Thanks for sharing, Ashley.

Think for yourself. Research the claims. ...and then maybe find a few moments...

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