
Monday, September 5, 2011

Ancient interpretations

Night times usually are accompanied by a reflection or two from Everyday Tao by Deng Ming-Dao. Some are strikingly appropriate for specific days and times. Others are simple reminders. The universe always provides small gifts. The each page contains a pictograph, which I assume, based upon the text, to be representative within the understanding of an ancient language. The pictograph is followed by a short description, and then a meditation.

Tonight, I opened to Part Six. The first two pages described "Art" and "Divination". The following two described "Tap" and "Dance"

I'd like to share "Dance":
"Wu. To dance,sword fencing, posture. This is a picture of a dancer. The triangle at the top is a hat, the decorations below are feathers held in each hand, and below are the two feet. When you dance, you move with Tao.

Dance is part of the very origins of Tao. When the ancients wanted to understand the movement of Tao, they danced. When the ancients tried to utilize Tao, they danced.
The shamans danced to bring rain. Priests danced in constellation patterns to call the gods. Meditators danced between their sittings for exercise and health. Mediums danced  to invite spirits into their bodies. Exorcists danced to control ghosts. Warriors danced to demonstrate their exploits and to hand down their techniques. Storytellers danced to bring history alive. Dancers danced for beauty.
You cannot think about dance. You cannot count the beats of tell yourself to do this step and that step. Instead, you have to act in a way that puts aside your everyday conscious mind. You just have to dance. You can't make it look any better than what it is, and if you are honest, you can't make it any worse; you can't hide yourself when you dance.
If you dance and you give yourself over to the movements, then you will know exactly what Tao feels like."

p. 97

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