
Sunday, December 21, 2014

More time to dream - Happy Winter Solstice!

Today is the shortest day of the known history of the world, according to scientists.
Read more - winter solstice 2014

A friend recently confided to me that at this point in the year, all she wants to do is cuddle under a super warm blanket, snuggle a loved one (which might happen to be a puppy), and sit by a fire. Our bodies have a physical reaction to the shortening of the days (if you happen to be in the Northern Hemisphere). But, this physical reaction gives us a real opportunity to reflect on the joys and challenges of the past few months. It's the Universe asking us to take a moment to be quiet. To sit in the stillness of a fire and with a loved one and reflect. We are provided more time to sleep and to dream.

The blog The Mindful Path suggests that fall is a time to "'let go' to make room for something new to emerge". "Winter says, 'welcome the darkness'. What ember inside us wants to become a flame?"

Personally, the fall has been exciting (but like a fire, like life), everything must come to an end. I'm grateful for the beginnings, the middles, and the endings.

As the light fades mid-way into the afternoon, I'm trying to accept the changes that have occurred over the past few months and to create space for more changes. "Change is the only constant" I have often heard.

I appreciate the additional gift of time to dream... but I'm looking forward to embracing the light. As for me, I'm going to leave the brilliant screen of my computer and breathe deeply into the moments of sun that are remaining.

May tonight, the longest night in the history of the world, afford you time to dream so that your ideas will come to fruition in 2015!

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