
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

"NAME US PEACE" A Gift for You on #GivingTuesday

During this time of growing together, giving thanks, and celebrating our shared community, I want to share a gift with YOU.

Today's Giving Tuesday - following Black Friday, Small Business Saturday, and Cyber Monday. It's a day dedicated to not just getting things to give as gifts, but celebrating the intangible gifts that artists and non-profits provide year-round.

I'm offering this gift to you.

During the past few months, I've been collaborating with Michael Lancaster and Ellen Rosenberg. I'm sharing Michael's poetry and Ellen's photographs, based on Breach: Left Behind, performed at Lafayette College in September and October. Their encouragement, creativity, and support has been a constant gift to me.

May you enjoy this and the many gifts that you experience year-round this holiday season.

Name Us Peace

Name Us Lost
Desperate souls, deathly
discrete, seek life,
seek yet company, like
dancers sole along
walls of despair.
Drifting, finding, joining
dancers together in
a simple singularity
of giddy relief, soon
rearranging in beauty. 

Name Us Love
Hands, arms, cores, backs, 
limbs secure each by each. 
Bodies meet in recognition,
recognition and hope, 
reuniting a savaged 
communion; dance,
silent music, lovely
faces name its goodness.
Form protecting love, and
a moment of exquisite peace. 

Name Us Dance

~Michael Lancaster, Oct 2016

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Today (and yesterday... and everyday) is a day to celebrate women.

I don't need to go into the social and political attacks on women in the past few days, weeks, (oh... years, centuries...)

But today, I'm choosing to celebrate.

Today is Women's Entrepreneurship Day! (It was celebrated in NYC and the United Nations yesterday... and I also celebrated yesterday by performing for Nora Gibson Contemporary Ballet).

Today, I'm celebrating by launching the website for The Embodiment Project.

I think that artists, by nature, have an entrepreneurial spirit. We're constantly creating, revising, revisiting, sharing, crafting, and doing it all again. The "product" might be a show, a photo, a sculpture, a costume, a poem, a story... we are constantly taking in information and responding and creating.

Today, I want to celebrate by sharing other businesses created and powered by women. Are you a female entrepreneur? Please share your business in the comments so we can all support each other!

Friday, November 11, 2016

Thank you, Veterans. Especially today...

It's been a rough week in America-land.

Tuesday was a historic election with historic results - both the results of the president elect and the resulting reactions of many different parts of the country.

Thursday was the Marine Corps birthday. Happy 241st Birthday, Marines!

Today is Veterans' Day.

For some, this is a day off from work and for discounted pricing on commercial goods. For many others, this is a time of remembering some very good times and some very bad times. Our military is made up of representatives from every corner of this country - color, race, creed, social and economic background, geographic background, upbringing, belief system... Each individual brings his and/or her own story to the fabric of the military and each of them has written a blank check to the United States of America for up to and including one (their) life.

These individuals are willing to serve, protect, and die for people that they have never met because they believe that America is a very special place and deserves their best; that the people who make up these United States are very special. In return, don't our veterans and members of our military deserve our best? Not only today, but everyday?

I am grateful for having the (perceived) freedom and constitutional right to profess my truths without fear of terror. [(While I myself have been the victim of violence because of my gender and religion, I also recognize that I have many privileges (that have not yet been violated)]. I am grateful to be able to create and share works of art that may challenge and question. I am grateful to be able to converse with people who believe differently than I do - because of the protection of our men and women in uniform.

Recent events have made me question how long these freedoms and rights will continue, but that's a reflection for another time. At the core, I believe that there is a deep love that our veterans and military demonstrate when they sign their name on the dotted line. It is this love that we need to respect, honor, and reciprocate.

"Thank you" will never be enough. Welcome home.

A dear friend, and veteran himself, created and shared this poem for today. Thank you, Michael, for the permission to repost:

"When a veteran falls,
A young man or woman,
At ripe age often still wounded,
Or in their prime in sacrifice
For their friends and nation,
As their bodies fall soft
To the ground or the sea,
A space opens gentle finally
For them to be filled by
Our love, honor, respect.
A great spirit passes thru it
Leaving us to consider the
Better, gentler days in golden
Sunshine, sea grasses flowing,
To remember a great soul and
Dearest friend as an eagle flies
To honor that respectful space.
Be at peace all this day.
Remember, know the best.

-Michael Lancaster 101st Abn RVN.
Veterans's Day 2016

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

November Dates

Click the links for more information

November 5 - KYL/D's FUN-Raiser from 5-8pm

November 6 - KYL/D at The Barnes Foundation for First Free Sunday - performances at 1:00, 2:00, and 3:00

November 11 - Veterans' Day. Please remember our Veterans.

November 12 - KYL/D at Kaatsbaan International Dance Center

November 18 - NGCB at Lafayette as part of Choreographers on Campus
Photo by Frank Bicking
November 24 - Thanksgiving! For what will you be giving thanks this year?

November 29 - Giving Tuesday. The Embodiment Project has received fiscal sponsorship through Fractured Atlas. Share your gifts with us by clicking this link (to be directed to the official donation page).
Photo by Ellen Rosenberg

December 2 - Widener University's Chamber Music and Dance Concert, 7pm.