
Saturday, November 19, 2016

Women's Entrepreneurship Day

Today (and yesterday... and everyday) is a day to celebrate women.

I don't need to go into the social and political attacks on women in the past few days, weeks, (oh... years, centuries...)

But today, I'm choosing to celebrate.

Today is Women's Entrepreneurship Day! (It was celebrated in NYC and the United Nations yesterday... and I also celebrated yesterday by performing for Nora Gibson Contemporary Ballet).

Today, I'm celebrating by launching the website for The Embodiment Project.

I think that artists, by nature, have an entrepreneurial spirit. We're constantly creating, revising, revisiting, sharing, crafting, and doing it all again. The "product" might be a show, a photo, a sculpture, a costume, a poem, a story... we are constantly taking in information and responding and creating.

Today, I want to celebrate by sharing other businesses created and powered by women. Are you a female entrepreneur? Please share your business in the comments so we can all support each other!


  1. Thank you for this opportunity what you are doing is
    So inspirational !
    You can find me at Salon Bella in Broomall pa
    Facebook me at Lisathestylist to view my work and if you have any questions or comments please feel free to inbox me or call the salon at 610-353-9133
    Have a happy Thanksgiving Jessica ❤️

  2. So grateful for the opportunity to work with you on any creative endeavor, and mostly to call you friend and soul sister.. You are an inspiration to all that have the pleasure of meeting you. I stand in Grace at your ability to "gather" others together within your circle and how they all feel your love.. Thank you so much for including me, and trusting my "eye" even before i knew to trust it..
