Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Dancing Mindfulness and JCWK Dance Lab's Cultural Exchange

 Every Wednesday, JCWK Dance Lab engages in a Cultural Exchange with The Heritage of Green Hills. 

The "W" in JCWK Dance Lab stands for "Wellness." To me, that incorporates both mental and physical wellness. In each rehearsal, we take time to Connect individually and as a collective with these aspects of ourselves. 

Dance artist Cady is trained in "Dancing Mindfulness" and led the company and our friends at The Heritage in a Dancing Mindfulness practice. Cady explains more in this video:

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Any given Wednesday

 JCWK Dance Lab's Cultural Exchange with The Heritage of Green Hills is a highlight of my week! Our (me, the dancers artists, and the residents) hearts, minds, and bodies are opened and challenged in positive ways when we come together to move and share stories. 

In May, each of JCWK Dance Lab's artists are leading an aspect of our time together. I'm grateful to be a student again and learn from them! 

Check out some of Arielle's choreography:

Friday, May 17, 2024

May is Mental Health Awareness Month


There is always a reason to dance. 

Moments from "Regeneration." pics by Brian Mengini. 

Friday, May 3, 2024

Honored to create Joy at the Caron Celebration of Excellence!


Thank you, for inviting us to create Joy at this special event. It was an honor to dance for and connect with everyone in the room and involved in the process!