Sunday, March 1, 2020

Continuing the conversation - HOMEbody in Reviews

Thank you, everyone who came to HOMEbody!

I had to close the box office on the morning of the show because we were already sold out. Thank you to the folks who reserved tickets in advance and thank you to the folks who came to the door!

Thank you to everyone for continuing the conversations of HOMEbody in your feedback and through the reviews.

I'm grateful for each of these reviews because they allow the conversation of HOMEbody to continue in the public view. So much of these stories don't get to have a public conversation... thank you!!

Thank you, Lewis Whittington and for recognizing that "the dance is the things that ultimately drives it all home."

Read more of Lew's addition to this conversation here. 

Melissa Strong from The Broad Street Review had a plethora of experiences within the performance that she details in her review.  Thanks, Melissa, for accepting the challenge of embodying your own home and experiencing your own story through "visually appealing and whole-hearted dancing... HOMEbody was thoughtfully conceived and skillfully performed".

"Home is when we breathe together," reflects ThINKingDANCE author Leslie Bush. "HOMEbody is a piece that abstracts and distills its central concept" Bush writes.

"There is a language in HOMEbody, even if I can't decipher it. I'm okay with this; I know I'm seeing someone's idea of home and that is enough." ~Leslie Bush

Photo by Juliana Wall Photography

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